CGHR Publications

PublicationsTo further research, scholarship, education, and outreach related to genocide and other world challenges, CGHR publishes the "Genocide, Political Violence, and Human Rights" book series in partnership with Rutgers University [...]

CGHR Publications

PublicationsTo further research, scholarship, education, and outreach related to genocide and other world challenges, CGHR publishes the "Genocide, Political Violence, and Human Rights" book series in partnership with Rutgers University [...]

“El Derecho consiste en tres reglas básicas o principios básicos: no dañar a los demás, vivir honestamente y a cada uno lo suyo. El arte de lo bueno y equitativo”

Domicio Ulpiano, jurista romano
Los Derechos Humanos no se mendigan. Se exigen.
Eduardo Galeano, escritor uruguayo

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